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Selectmen Minutes 09/14/2010
Board of Selectmen Meeting
September 14th, 2010
Meeting Minutes

Present: Selectman Jeff Jordan, Selectman Richard DeBold, Selectman Mike Paveglio

The meeting was call to order and opened at 1:10 PM by Chairman Jordan.

Selectman Jordan explained that this is a special election day meeting held to continue the important discussions of preparing a ‘guideline’ document to present to the department heads providing them with specific guidelines for their upcoming 2011 budget preparations.

Selectman Paveglio presented the Selectmen with information he had gathered and compiled from the 5 year, past history, budget worksheet prepared by Jamie Pike. Specifically what Selectman Paveglio had disseminated from the full excel worksheet was a 5 year history of previous budget’s ‘actual’ expenditures minus wages and salaries.

Selectman Paveglio suggested that the Board of Selectmen instruct the department heads to prepare budget  submittals for the upcoming year, 2011, allowing a yet to be determined percentage increase over their 2009 ‘actual’ operating expenditures ( budget minus salaries/wages) .

Following further discussions it was determined that a 3% increase over actual operating expenditures for the 2009 budget year would be allowed. Since the actual operating expenditures for individual departments for the 2010 year do not exist, and cannot be accurately estimated/predicted, the Board will use the 2009 budget figures.

Salaries/administrative costs will be a discussion for the Board of Selectmen at a later date with recommendations to be solicited from the department heads.

The Board was in unanimous agreement on the 2011 budget guideline recommendations to be sent to the department heads. It was decided to meet with the Budget Committee and discuss the proposed guidelines.  The Town Administrator will be asked to set up the meeting.

Motion to adjourn made by Selectman Paveglio and seconded by Selectman DeBold at 2:15 PM.
Vote was unanimous.

______________________  _______________________          ______________________
  Jeffrey Jordan, Chair Richard DeBold  D. Michael Paveglio